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Re: blue feathers

On Thu, 25 Apr 1996, Matthew Allen Newsome wrote:
> I forgot who made the comment about blue feathers, but let me add:
> I have several friends (men and women) in teh Society who are homosexual 
> and I have never seen a one sport a blue feather.  Is this just a 
> regional thing?  And, am I experiencing deja vu, or was this not a topic 
> of discussion on this list some time ago?

Clan Blue Feather is a large household in the SCA (note for newbies: a 
household is an unofficial grouping of friends/like-minded folks). The 
head of the household (last I heard, several years ago) is Tristan 
Alexander, who resides in Bright Hills (Baltimore, MD area). I've never 
had the pleasure of meeting this fine gentle, but his excellent artwork has 
graced many an Acorn.

I've heard that blue feathers have become less a sign of clan membership 
and more a symbol of pride acceptable in the SCA milleu, a la a pink 
triangle or rainbow flag. I'm not sure if this is true across the Knowne
World, though.
-Duncan, sans feathers
Tom Brady         tbrady@nando.net     SCA: Duncan MacKinnon of Tobermory
 See my web pages for links to the Society for Creative Anachronism and 
      gay and lesbian info: http://lord.technomancer.com/~duncan/
Vote Jesse Helms out in 96!      http://www.duke.edu/~mjtino/ncmobe96.html

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