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Re: newbie! sick them dogs of war on me
> 'large tracts of land' is a reference to the movie Monty Python and the
> Holy Grail. It is usually said loudly while holding ones hands open a few
> inches/feet in front of one's chest.
Hee hee sounds funny!! would love to see it sometime done.
> Blue feathers are not a stigmata. They are not like the yellow stars that
> the nazis made the jews wear. They are simply a way for gay people to
> pick each other out of a crowd. They aren't particularly rare, but they
> are more common at larger events and wars.
Yea I know not every gay will ahve one in fact I don't think I will
even wear one, not yet at least. It would be nice to pick out so I
ahve people to talk to.
> Yes, Caray is straight, and married.
That is cool and i wish him luck with his marriage, I thought he was
definitlly str8 anyway.
> > So where is the OutLands??
> The Outlands is a large part of the american southwest. It covers El Paso
> Texas, all of New Mexico, the eastern 3/4 of Colorado, the eastern half
> of Wyoming, the panhandle of Nebraska, and, when there are active members
> there, Mexico. It is, I believe, the eighth or tenth largest kingdom in
> terms of population.
Cool, I knew taht he had a differnt type of tan, that is cool
abotu where he came from I would love to visit there sometime.
Robert Montague
> -Pendar
Pete's Wonder Page
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