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Privy Counsel

> > > May 4-June 16, 10 am - 7 pm. Admission $14.95.
> > > Site: 1175 Kings Hwy, Fredericksburg, VA 22045 No pets, camping,
> > > pay phones. Showers, privies for participants only.
> >
> > Um, I expect that there are rest rooms open to the public on site.
> > Perhaps they are not period privies, but without sanitation facilities
> > for their customers, this sort of business gets closed down real fast.
> I'm sure there must be public restrooms, but I was just quoting the info in
> the Renaissance magazine. *shrug*

Maybe they think of "privy" as short for "private restroom", so
the participants can use the "privies" but the customers have to
use the "publies".

Or maybe by "participants" they mean the staff AND the paying customers,
excluding only people who just stop by to use the restrooms.  That would
suggest that the site is a restaurant on a city street with lots of
pedestrian traffic (like Broadway on Manhattan, where "Restrooms for
customers only" signs are commonplace).

-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
Carpe dulcem diem -- Seize a nice day.
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