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Emerald Joust Parking and Hirschi Campsite
I hope you all had a great time at Crown. Who won?
This is just a note to remind the oldtimers and warn the newcomers that
parking at Emerald Joust is VERY LIMITED.
If at all possible, PLEASE carpool with friends.
There is some aditional parking back by the museum you pass when driving
into camp. You are all highly encouraged to use the one car allowed per
campsite to shuttle back to that parking.
By law, the road to the feast hall must be kept clear for fire engines and
other rescue vehicles, so additional parking will NOT be available behind
the feast hall.
Also, the Hirschi campsite, the one nearest the feast hall, is not available
for our use this year. If you or your friends traditionally camp there,
please plan to camp elsewhere this year.
Keep those reservations rolling in! The feast spots are going fast!
Have a great time at Emerald Joust!!
- Anarra
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