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Re: Period Buttons information request
Aileen wrote:
>One method of making period buttons is to wrap a bead with fabric, making a
>button shank by tightly wrapping the loose ends of the fabric with stout
>thread. You can also wrap a bead with thread, and then weave designs into
>that wrap. Grace Gamble has some much-too-spiffy buttons made that way. If
>you use that method, make a "topknot" on the bead/button after wrapping it.
> These buttons are from Janet Arnold's Elizabethan costuming book.
I have seen Duchess Ysabeau make buttons out of thread. I don't know how the
knotting is done, but perhaps someone who knows more of this can describe
it. Baroness Caitlin? Lady Aislynn? Her Grace's time period is CE 1382, so
that may be a bit early for you.
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | They were the bad guys, as you say. And we were the
Dark Horde by birth | good guys. And they made an agreeable thump when they
Moritu by choice | hit the floor. -- G'Kar
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