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Monday of Emerald Joust...
Fond Atlantian Gentles--
The bright days of Spring which grace this kingdom for a few
precious months are warming slowly to summertime, and a young
squire's fancies naturally turn to
This year at Emerald, leave behind your galoshes (because if it
rains, Cambok is off. So don't kill any spiders and keep the
bransling down) and leave your polearm in your armor tent (the
rattan splinters--his teammates cry outrage at the turning
wheel of fortune, the crowd cries in surprise at the random
violence inherent in the system, and the fighters, well, the
fighters just cry), because THIS year,
That's right! Monday of Emerald Joust, those who are able to
stand are encouraged to leave the packing for the last minute
and join together on the field which that weekend will have
hosted the incomparable Emerald Joust and the Kingdom
Birthday's Pas d'Armes. Sticks will be sold at one dollar
above cost to benefit the Barony of Caer Mear within whose
boundaries this fine event shall take place. (Number of sticks
available and cost each shall be determined and posted when I
finish haggling with the merchant, Lord Big Joe.)
May you hunger only for your goals.
Susanna Grey(
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