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Dead Horse Rises from Grave
Note that with the previously stated scenario, there are LOTS of
opportunities for fun. I'm sure Count Guido would shed crocodile
tears at the opportunity to gamble on this setup.
Someone, I'm sure, is going to ask what to do if the battle was
resurrection anyway, which would mean that one side or the other would
have a numerical advantage. I know they're going to ask because that
was the first question out of my mouth.
Let's see...If one side is outnumbered and certain to lose any resurrection
battle by attrition, there are a couple of alternatives:
1. Let the two sides be political, just for that battle.
PRO- everybody knows how those dice are loaded.
CON- return to the political divisiveness of yesteryear.
2. Give the undermanned side a tactical advantage of some sort that's
mutually agreeable to the leaders concerned.
PRO- Makes the smaller side feel better. For a while.
CON- We tried that at Pennsic once. I don't think it worked well.
3. Make the resurrection battle normal resurrections, with, say, 3 or
4 per larger side per time frame (say 2 hours), and after that you're
not going to be very interested in fighting, anyway. Give the other
side enough resurrections per person to compensate.
PRO- This has the added effect of encouraging people to
resurrect quickly and get back - "The other side has as many people as
we do, and if I don't resurrect quickly, that gives them a numerical
advantage somewhere..."
CON- Complicated.
4. Support Your Local Mercenaries: Let (nay, encourage) the
undermanned side (heck, both sides, maybe) barter with whoever the
heck they want.
PRO- This encourages non-combat-related interplay between groups
of people that otherwise might not meet.
CON- You'd better be well-heeled.
I can hear the event name now:
"A Nonpolitical Little War"
"Whose Side Are You On, Anyway?"
"What if they Gave A War and Everybody Came?"
Rebuttals Welcomed,
J. Blackbow
Remember, War May Be Hell...But It's Good for Business!
The Association for Merchants, Manufacturers, and Morticians
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