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Re: personality test

On Fri, 17 May 1996, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> Demetria wrote:
> >
> ><Corun's lady Wife hefts a frying pan with a calculating gleam in her eye...>
> >
> ><Corun is seen madly backing and filling as he approaches>
> >
> ><they, being long married and used to all this, swipe hugs at each
other more
> >often than pans, which is, after all, the secret>
> Milady,
> I was once married, but am not currently. My Lady Alianora, however, reads
> this list, and will be mightily confused. I'm glad there's plenty of time
> between now and the end of June, when she returns from Scotland for the
> summer, to explain this. ;-)
> In even more trouble,
> Corun

Well, actually, dear, I'm not confused at all.  Unless, of course, you
have a lot more explaining to do than I think you do, in which case you 
could definitely be in even more trouble.  :)

Stephanie M. Thorson			*  SCA: Lady Alianora Munro
University of St Andrews		*  
St Andrews, Scotland			*  Clan White Wing
email smt2@st-andrews.ac.uk		*  Tarkhan, Khanate Red Lion

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