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Re: wool (and other) care

> Sure, castles had cat doors.  The rest of us call them arrow slits. 
> As to output, I don't know...an offending cat was usually let go 
> via catapult. 
> [sorry...like I said, couldn't resist] 
> Makes you wonder what ballistas were used to deliver... 
> [ducks behind the bar to escape the hailstorm of glasses coming his way] 
> J. Blackbow 
Oh, my.  An' just after Oi 'ad this loverly floor all clean.....mind the 
shards, luv, Oi'll jus' go an' get me bucket an rag.  Oi 'magine yer'll want 
new mugs all 'round...?

Miriam R.

Miriam Rachel bat Mordecai

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