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Saxon riddle
In reply, my best guess:
On earth there's a warrior of curious origin.
He's created, gleaming, by two dumb creatures
[flint and steel?]
for the benefit of men. Foe bears him against foe
to inflict harm. Women often fetter him,
strong as he is.
[haven't quite figured out that part yet, other than possibly for cooking.]
If maidens and men care for him with due consideration
and feed him frequently, he'll faithfully obey them
and serve them well.
[i.e., don't let it go out]
Men succour him for the warmth he offers in return;
but this warrior will savage anyone who permits him
to become too proud.
[My guess would be fire.]
[Yess, my pretty, gollum! Praps it wantss to play a gamess, it doess!
Praps it sitss and playss a bit! If it guessess the riddle, we
showss it the way out; but if it doessn't guesss, we eatss it, my
J. "Gollum" Blackbow
Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
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