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Re: Saxon riddle

By my reckoning, six gentles have told me the correct
answer to the Saxon riddle I posed, either whispering
it in my ear, or saying it aloud for the benefit of the
entire tavern.  I first heard a correct response from
melys, but it is impossible to say whether she was
really the first, due to the peculiar acoustics of
the Merry Rose.  No, I take that back.  I can and will
say that melys has won this round, and may pose the
next riddle.

The runners up were:
Michael Limner, esq.
Alys of Foxdale
J. Blackbow
Miriam Rachel bat Mordecai
"Phillip Jones"

Corun MacAnndra has posed a very intriguing riddle
(which I believe I have answered), but since he did
not correctly answer mine, his must be the start of
a separate, parallel, series of riddles.

-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
Equivocate [sp?], from the Latin words _equus_ (horse) and
_vocare_ (to say) [etym?], means To Just Say Neigh [def?].
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