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Known World Dance Symposium Updates!!!(long)

Thanks to all of you who have responded to the many e-missives and flyers
distributed so far for the upcoming Known World Dance Symposium, coming up
January 30th-Feburary 2nd 1997 in New Orleans LA.  Following are some updates
about what is going on getting this event ready to go.


Due to the suggestions of many especially Mistress Edwina Dirks Sterne from
Ansteorra, we have decided to add classes during the day on the Friday of our
weekend.  Those wishing to go into New Orleans, don't worry.  The tour is
still scheduled, but we also want to offer classes that day as well.  If you
are staying on site Thursday nite/Friday morning just add $10 to the
published price in the flyer.  If you are staying in the hotel or daytripping
on Friday as well just add $7.


There will be a full course of study throughout the two days of classes for
Middle Eastern Dancers and Musicians.  If you are interested in volunteering
to teach or want more information about Middle Eastern activities at the
Known World Dance Symposium, please contact our Middle Eastern Activities
Coordinator,  Mistress Edwina Dirks Sterne mka/ Sue Wallis, 614 Pine Circle,
Seabrook TX 77586, (713)474-3879, or you can e-mail her at

Mistress Edwina is already doing an outstanding job in the Middle Eastern
Dance Form, and we are extremely lucky to have her on board.


If you know of someone who we really need to invite to lecture or teach at
the Symposium, please let us know.  We really want this Dance Symposium to
representative of the best that the Known World has to offer in Dance.
  Please pass along any instructor or class suggestions to The Honorable Lord
William Redcape of Iron Mountain, mka Bill Street, Jr., 908 Reedwood Lane,
Birmingham AL 35235, (205)836-4013,  e-mail at billqs@aol.com.


We have arranged a special tour of the historic sites of New Orleans that
will depart early Friday afternoon.  If you are interested in attending
please contact the same person you send reservations to.


Reservations are already coming in for this event, and bed space on site is
EXTREMELY limited.   For those wishing a bed at the Regina Coeli Retreat
Center the cost is:  $27 before January 15, 1997, $29 at the door.  (Please
add $10 if you will be arriving Thursday nite.)

Those wishing to stay off site are welcome to stay at the Holiday Inn in
Covington LA, (504)893-3580.  Those staying at the hotel or daytripping pay
the same price.  That is $15 before January 15, 1997, and $17 at the door.
 (Please add $7 if you are attending activities on site Friday.)

Send Reservations To:

Cristina de Asturias mka/ Christine Pacheco, 800 Martin Behrman Avenue Apt.
103, Metarie LA, 70005.  (504)882-9369.  Make all checks payable to SCA Inc./
Barony of Axemoor.

There will follow other updates soon.  If you need further information please
contact us at billqs@aol.com.  Thank you.

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