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Re: Cat Output

> > ><Meli orders up an ale, some bread, and some cheese, and sits closer 
> > >to the fire so she can toast the victuals and sip the ale as 
> > >she contemplates life, the universe, Cats, and their output ....> 
> > > 

> <Meli, being a tad overtired and on her second large ale, squints in 
> some confusion, and smiles back at the newcomer.> 
> Uhmn .... cats being putted-out?  In?  Put?  Ummm, ah.  Castles don't 
> need cat-doors; the very nature of castles is to have flunkies whose 
> only job is to wait on the cat. 
> That would, of course, therefore be most of us who own kitties .... 
> or have kitties thrust upon them .... or who have just simply 
> achieved catness, owing to some feline deciding they are worth the 
> trouble .... 
> Here, milady--have an ale with me, and we shall now ponder the Universe! 
> Miriam Rachel, DO get up off the floor and stop talking like that .... 
> I know you're from Spain, there's no point in pretending!  :-) 
Oh, shucks!  Ever since I got that silly old hat no one lets me play! 
...besides, I paid good money for that accent!  Oh, well, if I must, but I'd 
prefer mead to ale, thank you very much, and I suppose I'll have to go change 
these styleless garments now.  I shall return momentarily, Good Gentles All!

Miriam Rachael

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai
The non-pregnant Miriam
akaThe Intriguing Miriam

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