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Medieval Wall-Paintings on the Web

I pulled this from the Scandinavian History (H-SKAND) e-list.


        - Anarra

Date:    Mon, 20 May 1996 12:03:03 +0200
From:    H-SKAND Thomas Pedersen <h-skand@hist.ou.dk>
Subject: RESOURCE:  Medieval Wall-Paintings

Subject:  RESOURCE:  Medieval Wall-Paintings
Submitted by:  Kurt Villads Jensen <kvj@hist.ou.dk>
Date:  20.5 1996

Medieval Wall-Paintings from Danish churches on the Internet


The Department of History at Copenhagen University is proud to present a
searchable image-database containing approximately 3,000 images of medieval
wall-paintings from churches across Denmark (more images are added
regularly).  The database supports Boolean text-searches of the descriptive
text ( i.e the Church name, motifs, genres, painters, age, etc.) attached to
each image.  An English language version will be finished in the beginning
of June.  The database is the result of a co-effort between the Danish
Historian Axel Bolvig and students at the University.  Bolvig has published
a number of works in Denmark on the role of the image in history and
historical research.

The database is optimized for use with browsers such as Netscape 2.0 or
better and Mosaic 3.0 or better.  This site has not been tested for use with
the Microsoft Internet Explorer.  (This will work too --- H-SKAND Editor)

                            NOW AVAILABLE
         The H-SKAND World Wide Web Site

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