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But Melys asked for it, so, a riddle

     Just something I BS'd up this morning to make Melys happy... 
     I must admit the amusement was definitely there...
     J. Blackbow
     Certain as a symbol of pride and worth,
     To think of as other than his own brings end to mirth. 
     `Tis oft suspected that it has no end
     as its circuitous route its way doth wend. 
     Look you there now; another doth appear
     In stunning majesty its value comes quite clear. 
     But woe betide any who hold it falsely
     As shame shall follow `til he is wracked by palsy. 
     Some plain, some decked with metal or gems
     this one's own'r doth wear his plain as plain 
     can be; for he is not a fellow who craves 
     fanciful colors or silk, but lesser things
     do suit his fancy, and while it is quite true 
     That _or_ doth frequently adorn, a man would rue 
     The day that he did call its wearer by that name 
     Which frequently `tis known for coward's stripes. 
     Night's good color does also adorn the head
     of him who holds this token most worthy. 
     How'er, you may have heard tell of his japes 
     Of which most notable and famous doth involve
     A certain recent happening in the frozen wastes 
     Of the middle regions of our fair Atlantia
     In which did legions of warriors strive
     Amidst the white-draped hills and valleys steep 
     For prize both sides contested, and the victor 
     Did give his body's every drop of life
     To prove in deed that the midden ground was theirs. 
     So please, pray tell, of what and who I speak,
     And do it, please, at least, within a week.

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