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Re: Saxon riddle

Miriam the Non-Pregnant writes:
[snippage of the riddle I sent]
> After puzzling some time over this, the only feeble answer I can come 
> up with is -a cask or barrel of mead or beer?  'Twas the only thing I 
> could think of that might have 1200 heads (when poured out in mugs).  
> I started to say a cauldron full of stew, but that didn't seem to 
> fit precisely either...  Pray, enlighten us!  ;-)

I'm sorry, but that's not correct. I'll wait until I've gotten a few
more answers before I tell it.

In sevice,

   Corun MacAnndra   | They were the bad guys, as you say. And we were the
 Dark Horde by birth | good guys. And they made an agreeable thump when they
   Moritu by choice  | hit the floor.  --  G'Kar
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