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Certain as a symbol of pride and worth...

I notice, in Lord Blackbow's riddle, this

>      Howe'er, you may have heard tell of his japes
>      Of which most notable and famous doth involve
>      A certain recent happening in the frozen wastes
>      Of the middle regions of our fair Atlantia
>      In which did legions of warriors strive
>      Amidst the white-draped hills and valleys steep
>      For prize both sides contested, and the victor
>      Did give his body's every drop of life
>      To prove in deed that the midden ground was theirs.

This reminds me of the recent Thirteenth Night, which I did not
attend, but know of through song:

-> The snowball fight that did break out
-> Was twixt the Lords so high
-> Duke Anton and the Earl of Kane
-> Did make the snowballs fly
-> And Kane won with some Yellow Snow
-> Though this he will deny
-> Oh, tidings of blizzards and no chains
-> Blizzards and chains
-> Oh, tidings of blizzards and no chains

This in turn reminds me of the surcoat worn by his Excellency,
Black Kane O'Shannon, first among many others in Clan O'Shannon,
which, if I am not mistaken is

Quarterly wavy sable and Or, a claymore and a tower sable.

The first color, sable, could be alluded to in the riddle,

>      Night's good color does also adorn the head
>      of him who holds this token most worthy.

and it is also the color of Black Kane's hair.

The riddle also says,

>                                      it is quite true
>      That _or_ doth frequently adorn, a man would rue
>      The day that he did call its wearer by that name
>      Which frequently `tis known for coward's stripes.

I think this refers to the Or, or Yellow, in the badge of
Clan O'Shannon, and also the gold of Sir Kane's knightly
chain, and to the fact that anyone who called His Excellency
"Yellow" would regret it (because of the doubt cast on the
caller's own repute for holding such a manifest untruth).

Therefore do I say that the answer is, The badge of Clan
O'Shannon worn by Earl Sir Kane O'Shannon.

-- Alfredo

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
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