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Re: wool (and other) care
Subj: Re: wool (and other) care
Date: 96-05-23 12:23:56 EDT
From: Gwynyth
To: sharon@intercon.com
In a message dated 96-05-16 11:59:41 EDT, you write:
>> present them as statements of fact, but I am not certain of the truth
>> of all these statements. I simply wish to present them for discussion.
>> There was no method for removing this odor in the Period.
>Not sure I can agree with this, off-hand; might we not agree that we have so
>far no knowledge of whether they had the means to remove this odor?
One thing which may have worked and and was certainly available in Period is
vinegar. Diluted vinegar is quite useful for removing odors from all sorts
of things, and it does not leave a stain. No coincidence, I'm sure, that the
Massengil solution, mentioned earlier, also contains vinegar.
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