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Re: wool (and other) care

> <scenes from the Merry Rose, wherein J. Blackbow is once again 
> dodging empty ale mugs (no one would waste good ale for such a pun)> 
> "Actually, my Lord," drawls a woman's voice from the shadows, "I 
> don't think you'd really care to _know_ precisely what ballistas 
> throw..." 
<a harried sigh is heard, and a woman looks up from the floor, rag in hand>  
All Oi can say is, if it's throwin' mugs, oi 'ope somebody puts down a cloth.  
All this glass is awrful 'ard on wood floorin', wot wiv gougin' an' all, if 
yer takes my meanin'.  Oi 'magine th' local glassblowers' guild's right 'appy 
'bout th' 'ole thing!  Oi shall 'ave to recommend we starts buyin' 'seconds'.  
Beggin' yer pardon, Lords an' Laydies all...

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai
The non-pregnant Miriam
akaThe Intriguing Miriam

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