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Re: A tree blasted

Greetings unto the Merry Rose from Duke Richard!

To fill in a couple of blanks.

Mrkwd was the first Eastern group created south of the Mason-Dixon line.  It
has always been entirely south of the PA/MD border.  At one point, they
"claimed" everything in MD, DC, VA, DE, NC, SC and GA!  As activity started
up in other areas of what is now Atlantia, Myrkwyd stabilized as the
extended Baltimore metro area.  The formation of Meridies included GA.
Atlanta was an early center of activity for Meridies.  When the Principality
of Atlantia was created, it INCLUDED the Barony of Mhyrckwoode.  When
Atlantia went Kingdom, Mmiirrkkwwooood bailed out and stayed in the East
Kingdom.  This was just one chapter in a series of difficult times for
Atlantia's "founding" group.  Eventually the group was demoted to shire (the
specific reason listed was the extended vacancy of the baronial exchequer
position).  The group's activity level ebbed low.  During this time a new
vibrant group of people started the shire of Arindale.  Eventually doowkriM
made a resurgence and they decided to rejoin Atlantia.  Shortly after that,
Murkwoode and Arindale decided to reorganize their groups and pool their
talents (in an amazing example of common sense rarely seen in SCA turf
considerations) and formed Lochmere.

caveat:  This is all from memory.  I'm fairly confident that the sequence is
correct but not all that confident of the elapsed time between events.

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