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Re: Merry Rose Gathering at Emerald Joust

Kendrick wrote:
>Just out of curiosity, so my campmates can plan better, who out there
>is planning on coming to the Merry Rose get together at Emerald 
>Joust.  Please e-mail me directly, and I'll summerize the results here.

I'll plan on being there, especially if you're camping with Storvik. You
*are* planning on camping with your Barony, aren't you oh undefeated
Baronial Rapier Champion? <he said menacingly> ;-)

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | They were the bad guys, as you say. And we were the
 Dark Horde by birth | good guys. And they made an agreeable thump when they
   Moritu by choice  | hit the floor.  --  G'Kar

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