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Re: Merry Rose Gathering at Emerald Joust

On Thu, 23 May 1996, Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> I'll plan on being there, especially if you're camping with Storvik. You
> *are* planning on camping with your Barony, aren't you oh undefeated
> Baronial Rapier Champion? <he said menacingly> ;-)
Sorry Corun, but I will be camping with one of the Clans I belong
to (there are two plus a household for those of you counting).  I
will be camping with Clan Baldwin at Camp Hickory.

             |                     lovelace@netcom.com      
             |\                       Arlington, VA
             |/      Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant 
             |     sable between three compass roses counterchanged.

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