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Toys for Tots A&S Information

Here is the information for the A&S happenings at the inter-kingdom war, Toys for Tots Clash. I know this is short notice but hope that between my officers and Atlantia's mailing list, we can get the message out to the populace.

Their Royal Majesties of Atlantia, Meridies and Trimaris have each chosen to sponsor a particular competition (open to entries from all three Kingdoms) for the war. A Best Entry will be chosen from each category by the sponsoring Kingdom. You may enter one or all of the competitions.

	Atlantia - Period Containers
	Meridies - Period Toys
	Trimaris - Period War Banners

These competitions will be judged on authenticity. Your entry can be one previously entered in another competition.

There will also be an Open Arts and Sciences Exhibition for any artisans/scientists who would like to display their work that does not fit in the above categories. I hope to see all artisans not entering the competitions place their work here. I have been told by the autocrat that room for the displays is not a problem at this site. Sheets for comments and research suggestions will be available at the site for any individuals who wish feedback.

We are also looking forward to having classes available on Friday and morning/early afternoon on Saturday.

I respectfully request that all seneschals, MoAS officers and Baronial Coronets attending the war, please assist any of your populace not able to attend, in getting their items down to the war. I also urge the MoAS officers, Order of the Pearl and Laurel to please assist individuals with questions on documentation and presentation.

In service,
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