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Merry Rose Gathering at Emerald Joust

Greetings to one and all,

I know this is getting down to the wire, but I would like to invite everyone to a Merry Rose gathering
at Emerald Joust.  Everyone who is interested in getting together, partying, putting together a bardic
circle, or just hanging out and putting faces to these people that we now know by name is welcome to
join us at my campsite at Emerald Joust, Saturday evening 1 hour after feast is over (or 8pm,
whichever is later).  I doubt my campsite will be able to come up with much munchies so if you want
something, bring it yourself, and bring more for other people too.  I will probably be able to put
together some lemonade, assuming I can find something to put it in, but bring your own mugs.  Hope to
see everyone there.  Information on where I'm camping at follows...

In service,
Kendrick Wayfarer

I will be camping with Clan Baldwin at Camp Hickory.  From our web page at 

> Camp Hickory
>As you walk up the road from Troll, continue on the main road past the turn-off for the list field,
>down a small hill and turn left at a building (Koch Lodge). Hickory is past Koch Lodge on your right.
>The showers are just beyond. There will be a map posted at Troll. 

Perhaps the busy autocrat will be able to stop in for a bit... :-)

             |                    lovelace@wayfarer.org      
             |\                       Arlington, VA
             |/      Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant 
             |     sable between three compass roses counterchanged.
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