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Mirk3wood, et al

Good greetings.

Duke Richard's explanation is correct.

Mrkwd had been southernmost group in the East, and was the responsible
barony for the "cantons" that began in Caer Mear, Isenfir, Tir-y-don,
Windmaster's Hill, Tir Aosda, and Terra Nova.  These last two were
competing groups, one authorized by the Steward and one by the Board,
in Northern Virgina.  This was the situation at the end of A.S. IX.

Subsequently, other groups formed south of Baltimore (the original
turf of Murkwouldjr), and with the formation of the Southern Region
of the East Kingdom (Late X - January 1976), Merkwud again became just
Baltimore.  However, Master Vuongh Manh was the chronicler for the
newsletter of Mjrkwode (the Acorn..from the Blasted Oak Tree), and
sort of became the de facto chronicler for the Southern Region.  The
Southern Region then included the Carolinas, Virginia, DC, all of
Maryland, and West Virginia.

At the beginning of A.S. XII, Atlantia became a Principality.  It
did not include West Virginia or Murkwd, but of Maryland only the
five counties belonging to Storvik.  The border was drawn between
the DC and Baltimore beltways, because of course the NSA wouldn't
let something like the SCA be at Fort Meade.  Master Vuongh Manh,
living in NE Storvik, continued as Principality Chronicler, and kept
the name Acorn on the newsletter for reasons of sentiment and

At the beginning of A.S. XVI, Atlantia became a kingdom, and did
not then have the territory of Mrkjswd.  Four years later, the
remainder of Maryland was ceded to Atlantia by the East.  During
that time, Arindale had sprung up at, you guessed it, Fort Meade,
with members in the counties on both sides of the line.  Merckwood
itself was in something of a decline at that point.

Subsequently, Mirkwoood (close!) was made a shire, and shortly
thereafter combined with Arindale to form Lochmere (or Mirkdale
or Arinwood, as it was sometimes known).  Elements of the arms of
both Merkwold and Arindale were used in the arms of Lochmere.

It all made sense at the time...really!

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