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Re: Euwww, English Again! :-)

>Alianora writes:

>> The way _I_ heard it, the Welsh used to have vowels, but the !*&^%$#@
>> English stole them.
>Actually, m'lady, I think it was the *Irish*  who stole the Welsh 
>vowels.  Take a look at a sentence in Gaelic sometime - you will see that 
>they have an overabundance of the things!  Those Sassanach have many 
>faults, but I don't think you can blame them for that.
>This is actually possible - the Irish did have colonies in Wales during 
>part of the Middle Ages - a perfect front for vowel-rustling.
Then, of course, there is the theory that absolves all implicated parties of
theft by postulating that the vowels departed of themselves in search of a
better climate (since Wales shares with the rest of the British Isles the
cool drizzle that passes for weather -- rather like that at Emerald this
year). Hawaii seemed like the perfect stopping place.


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