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Re: Callahan's Bar

> >     I KNOW I can't be the only person on here who's read the "Callahan's
> >     Bar" series by Spider Robinson.
> >
> >     [Or the "Callahan's Lady" series, for that matter...]
> >
> Of course you're not.  And there the patrons were much neater about their
> breakage.  The broken glasses were mostly in the fireplace as that, rather
> than any individual, was the target of their throws.

I think that the concept there was that you would throw your glass
in the fireplace just after you had raised it in a toast so worthy
that it should be the last toast that glass ever experiences.

> [Looking forward to whatever comes next in either of the two Spider Robinson
> series while quietly listening from the back of the establishment to the
> boisterous goings on.]

I'm afraid there won't be any more stories in the Callahan's Bar series,


        in the one major exception to Michael's observation ("the patrons
were much neater about their breakage"), Callahan's Bar was trashed by a
small tactical thermonuclear device.  Fortunately, none of the many regulars
present at the time was injured.  (They're a tough bunch.)

-- Alfredo el Bufon

Alfredo el Bufon
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia
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