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Re: New Member

> Good day to you all. 
> I'm seriously interested in joining the SCA, and right now I'm trying 
> to find out as much as I can about it.  I live in Asheville, 
> North Carolina and have heard there's an Asheville chapter.  If anyone 
> on this group is part of that chapter, please get in touch with me--
> I'd like to get some advice on joining & etc. 
> This all sounds wonderful! 
> God bless, 
> Jennifer Brame 

Good milady Jennifer,

	Welcome to the Merry Rose! <ducking an airborne mug and pulling 
newcomer aside to avoid it as well>  We're a lively and friendly bunch, so 
pull up a bench and have fun with us!  I'll let some gentle from your end of 
the kingdom respond as to how to contact your locals; may we meet in actual 
fact someday soon!

	<Hands Jennifer a mug of cider and some wonderful fresh bread with new 
butter> Have you eaten yet?

	Meli ferch Iasper
	Ponte Alto, Atlantia
	(Fairfax, VA)

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