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Re: The Merry Thorns

T'was Lady Miriam who once wrote:

"I thank you most Gracious Lord...I shall start boiling wash water
immediately, to clean the utensils.... Now perhaps, someone might favour
us with a song, perhaps to quell this riotous behavior whilst I mop the
floor and restore some order...?  At least the roast meat is still safe... 
there does seem to be less of it, but it still looks clean...." 

To which my lord Gruffudd ap Infinitum did reply:

"A Song, Why Most certainly my lady, waht song doth thou wish to hear?"

And then did reply Lady Miriam:

"Any song thou mayst wish to play or sing would delight my ear....perhaps
something poetic and soothing...?" 

Ah, my lord, I would sing for you ... I would have thought perhaps "My 
Man John Had A Thing That Was Long," but I think mayhap a better choice 
would be "Frankie And Johnny Were Lovers."


Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal,
  A Welshman's Great Dane.
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