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Re: Any M.S.O.B. on the Merry Rose

At 05:58 PM 5/30/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello Good Gentles of the Merry Rose or is that thorns, or thorn birds, or
>weeds, or what ever the debate over what to call us Merry Rose Denizens.
>   I was just wondering if any other members of the Militant Society of Bards
>is on the Merry Rose, please let me know.
>   Thank you very much for your time and patience.
>Lord Adam of Erin

Unto Lord Adam of Erin
Doth Daoud al-Bodmani, of the Shire of Hindscroft
Send greetings!

I am also of the MSOB, although my activity has been somewhat reduced
in the past three years by the addition of two little ones!  I hope to get
more active in the near future as we get used to new arrangements!!

I look forward to speaking further!! Have an ale!!

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