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Re: The Merry Thorns

> So Sayeth That Knave, Kevin of Thornbury.... 
> ><Kevin stumbles and rolls on the floor laughing, knocking over 
> >some furniture> 
> > 
> >That's beautiful, my lady.  How do I get a dog like that? 
> >I think I'd prefer a nice cocker. 
> > 
> >Staying on the floor where it's safe... 
> <GRIN> What are you trying to infer my Lord?  IS that an insult against 
> my lady, are you inferring that my visage of lovliness is a common 
> Dog, and not a Exemplatory Lady from Denmark.   Somone get me that 
> Knife from the door....<GRIN> 
> <Looks around for a large heavy object to throw at Kevin, let seee 
> Chair... 
> no, Table... Possibly, Sheep...Scotsman's bride, might get 
> offended/jealous...> 
> _____________________________________________________________ 
> Gruffudd ap Cadfael ap Daffydd ap Rhys ap Infintum MKA Carl Harris 

I'LL take that knife from the door, thankyouverymuch!  We seem to have a few 
extra knives here...ah, well!  That should make up for some of the losses...

Miriam R.

Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai | Purpure on a bend Or,
The non-pregnant Miriam     | between two swans naiant
akaThe Intriguing Miriam    | respectant, wings elevated
Isenfiri-In-Exile           | and addorsed argent, three 
mka: Heather E.M. Swann     | sprigs of heather palewise
email:swann@intercon.com    | purpure.     

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