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Re: RE[2]: University Inquiry

Greeting good gentles all,

    I would like to thank eveyone who responded to my request about University.
Thanks to the many offers I had for garb.  I didn't make myself clear when I
asked if one attended this event *in garb*.  I _do_ have a costume (only one, I
need more garb!) I just didn't want to be the only one.  It helps me to be
surrounded by people who look as silly as I do.

    Greetings to all the new faces appearing in the Merry Rose.  This seems to
be a good week for new-commers.  I suppose we are all in town for the
festivities this weekend?  Perhaps the increased revenue will help in repairing
the damage here.
  To avoid any confusion amongst all the Dave's here, I am David Zollickoffer.
I live in the Barony of Bright Hills.  I was delighted to find an orginazation
like the SCA and then to discover they have meetings just down the street from
me!  Imagine, all this is going on in my town!

    I hope to meet some Merry Thorns at UofA.  It will be fun to put faces to
these now familiar names.

     Since things seem to have calmed down a bit, I shall make a dash for the

Dave Z. (the nameless)
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