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Re: University Inquiry
Dave Montuori wrote:
> > I know University of Atlantia is this Saturday. I am planning on
> > attending but I have a rather important question. *Does one attend this
> > event in garb?*
> Yes.
Should anyone need garb for this weekend, you may contact the Silver Key of
the Barony of Ponte Alto being the most beautiful Gwendloyn of Thornbury.
But do it soon so she can tell you what she has! Her e-mail address is
gwen@maxson.com, or you may call her between 6-10PM at (703) 803-7012.
Inspired husband of the Silver Key,
|+^+| Kevin of Thornbury
|/+\| (mka Kevin Maxson)
\_/ kevin@maxson.com http://sca.maxson.com
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