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...Yet another song.
Ok heres a song that is sightly bawdy....
Walking in a medow greene, fayre flowers for to gather,
where primrose rankes did stand on bankes, to welcome comers thither,
I hears a voice which made a Noise, which casued me to attend it,
I heard a lass say to a Ladd, "once more and none can mend it."
They lay soe close together, they made me much to wonder;
I knew not which was wether, until I saw her under.
Then off he came, and blushed for shame soe soon that he had endit;
Yet still she lies, and to him cryes, "once more and none can mend it"
His looks were dull and verry sad, his courage shee and tamed;
Shee bade him play the lusty lad or else he quite was shamed;
"Then stiffly thrust; hee hit me just, ffear not, but freely spend it,
and play about at in and out; once more and none can mend it."
And then he thought to enter her, thinking the ffit was on him;
But when he came to enter her the poynt turned bak upon him.
Yet she said "stay! goe not away although the point be bended!
But toot againe and hit the vaine! once more and none can mend it"
The in her Armes shee did him fold, and oftentimes shee kiss hi,
Yett still his courage was but cold, for all the good she wished him;
Yett with her hand she made it stand so stiff she could not bend it
and then anon she cryes ,"come one, once more and none can mend it!"
"Adew, adew, sweet hart," quoth hee, "for in faith I must be gone."
"Nay, then you doe me wrong" quoth she "to leave me thus alone."
away went when all was spent, werat she was offended;
Like a trojan true she made a vow she would have one sohold mend it.
<offers to replace any glassware that broke during this rendition>
Gruffudd ap Cadfael ap Daffydd ap Rhys ap Infintum
MKA Carl Harris
Remember: Welsh Naming Practices Keep Going and Going.....
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