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Seneschal's July Acorn Letter
Warm Greetings unto the denizens of the Merry Rose.
A number of Atlantians have asked what's going on regarding the
Kingdom Seneschal's position. I'm posting my final Acorn letter to give
you my best perception of what's happening.
Dear Friends,
I wish to confirm what I told the recent Curia Regis--that I will
soon step down as Kingdom Seneschal. After returning from the April
Board of Directors meeting where the banishment of Lord Fritz Justus
Fritz (mka Fred Grundeman) was overturned, the lame-duck Society
Seneschale, Duchess Sedalia MacNare, called to inform me that because I
had not characterized the Barony of Caer Mear as dysfunctional that She
would not renew my warrant as Atlantian Seneschal. My response is that
Caer Mear is far from being dysfunctional. Indeed, the courage and
fortitude of its populace over the past year's stressful times has been
an inspiration to me as well as to others who were aware of the
pressures being exerted on them. If I am to be pilloried by the
corporate heirarchy, I'm proud that it can be in defense of the
effectiveness of the good people of the Barony of Caer Mear. I know of
no group in Atlantia that is more capable as anyone who attended the
recent Emerald Joust/Kingdom 15th Birthday event at Camp Brady Saunders
will attest.
Since 24 April, Duchess Sedalia has not responded to several requests
for amplification of Her decision and Her supervisor, Viscount Sir
Edward Zifran of Gendy (President of the Board of Directors) has refused
to intervene saying that it is left to the discretion of the Society
Officers to choose their subordinates. While this sounds good in theory,
we should all be concerned when a Great Officer of State can be removed
(not renewed in my case) without just cause. Do you really want some
faceless bureaucrats who know you not to have such untrammelled control
over the administration of your kingdom? Given that the Board of
Directors is a self-selecting group that is only occasionally subject to
the will of the populace (and that at the behest of a court order) and
that not all kingdoms are represented on that body at all times, perhaps
Atlantia will at some future date see the wisdom in taking charge of its
affairs by separately incorporating with some vestigal inter-kingdom
body empowered solely to negotiate multilateral issues.
A number of you have asked if writing to someone would help. After
due consideration, I find that such an effort would not change matters
as they stand. The corporate heirarchy is not listening. There has been
no meaningful interchange between them and myself since 24 April.
Please do not spend a moment worrying on my behalf. It has been my
sincere pleasure to serve you as Kingdom Seneschal these past two years.
The support I've received not only from the seneschallate but also from
the populace at large has been truly magnificent. Together we have
accomplished much--not the least of which is the soon-to-be-accomplished
full availability of Atlantia's publications on the Internet. As you
develop this capability, the kingdom can preserve a lot of trees and
save a lot of postage by "delivering" documents cybernetically. We are
continuing to refine the procedures for the care and feeding of our
young people. The "spiff" quotient of our events has improved markedly.
The Challenge of the Seven Deadly Sins and Knight of the Heart are
sterling exemplars of this progress.
I am one of the lucky ones--I have a full life outside the SCA. In
addition to teaching computer skills to physically handicapped adults at
South Carolina's award-winning Vocational Rehabilitation Center, I have
the joy of playing in the Columbia Concert Band as well as singing with
both the Palmetto Mastersingers and the Columbia Choral Society. I look
forward to regaining a modicum of control over my telephone <grin> and
being able to spend more time with my good lady wife, Grafin Judith von
Gruenwald, my two adult children, and my two wonderful grandchildren.
Their Royal Majesties have chosen Mistress Keilyn fitzWarin, formerly
Minister of Arts and Sciences, as my replacement. She will assume her
duties in July after we have a face-to-face meeting. I extend to her my
best wishes for a happy, successful term as kingdom seneschale. To
confound the often-quoted Chinese proverb, "May You not live in
interesting times."
Always remember that this is our hobby. We do this for fun. If you
are not having fun; you are doing it wrong. VIVAT ATLANTIA!
Warmest regards,
Done by my hand this 31st day of May, A.S. XXXI, being 1996 C.E.
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