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List Volume (was: Re: Become a newsgroup

        "The more complicated the plumbing, 
         the easier it is to stop up the drains." - Scotty, STIV

        Other high volume lists I monitor handle this issue several ways. 

        1) A digest. (most popular I believe)

        2) A gentleman's agreement among members of the list to only 
           post 3 or less messages per day. Only quote the min necessary from
           messages being quoted. No .sig lines over 4 lines.

        3) Let the list find it's own high water mark. 
           Let those who can't stand the volume unsubscribe.
           (not the friendliest solution)

        I should note that I like the volume. This is a good problem to have. 
It's like the Tavern is extreemly popular, packed and there are too many 
conversations, going on all at once, to follow. If we all tried to keep our 
SUBJECT: lines as accurate as possible it would make the delete key all the 
        BTW, the volume is WAY down today. Maybe it was just a spike...


Alaric Luther - luther@infodata.com
Director, Technical Support Services  -  Hell Labs, Ironic Punishment Division

"Mario M. Butter" <mbutter@tower.clark.net> at 6/2/96 9:59 PM wrote:

In answer to your several points:
1) There are email<->news gateways.
2) You can create a moderated newsgroup. 
3) See #2.
4) See #2.
On Sun, 2 Jun 1996, ZMCW1 wrote:
> Date: Sun, 02 Jun 96 21:23:36 est
> From: ZMCW1 <luther@infodata.com>
> To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: Re: Become a newsgroup 
>      I believe that a newsgroup is not the answer. 
>         1) Not everyone has access to news groups. 
>         2) NETNEWS is completely unmoderated. 
>            Any Jerk can Highjack a newsgroup. Some do it just for fun. 
>            There are guys that make bets on how many Rush Limbaugh
>            flamewars they can keep going at once. 
>         3) Netnews delivery is not as timely List delivery. 
>         4) Read the Rialto for a month. 
>      YMMV,
> Luther
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