The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Wed Jan 07 20:45:25 98
773 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- I am back.....well, kinda!,
Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir (06/01/95)
- A Pennsic Anouncement.,
Lord Xaviar the Eccentric (05/29/96)
- SERIOUS: High list volume...,
Lance Day (06/01/96)
- Re[3]: Merry Rose Denizens,
Karen Louise Flessas (06/01/96)
- Fire Engines GULES, please (was:Re: S'mores,
Dick Eney (06/01/96)
- MERRYROSE: The Song I Couldn't Find Before,
rh109 (06/01/96)
- Re: wordplay, was Re: Cordials/liqueurs,
John Francis Stracke (06/01/96)
- Re: Seneschal's July Acorn Letter,
Terry L. Neill (06/01/96)
- RE: Seneschal's July Acorn Letter,
Harold Feld (06/05/96)
Re: MERRYROSE: List Explosion Suggestion,
Luznicky (06/01/96)
Atlantian: Background, please?,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/01/96)
Re: List explosion,
R. Mark Jones (06/01/96)
Re: Flying mugs, tableware, sinks, cows, Et cetera,
James Ghent (06/02/96)
Become a newsgroup,
Hicksc (06/02/96)
Re: Become a newsgroup,
Keith Vaughn (06/03/96)
Re[2]: Become a newsgroup,
David H Ritterskamp (06/04/96)
Lost and Found at U of A,
Karen Elisa Green (06/02/96)
List Volume (was: Re: Become a newsgroup,
ZMCW1 (06/02/96)
LESS THAN SERIOUS: High list volume...,
ZMCW1 (06/02/96)
You know you've been to Emerald Joust when...,
Terry Neill/Janet Toney (06/02/96)
Atlantia Newsgroup,
James Morrow (06/02/96)
Need SCA Contact,
Michael Surbrook (06/02/96)
Re: John the Ranger (fwd),
Michael Surbrook (06/02/96)
Kevin of Thornbury (06/03/96)
Re: List Explosion Suggestion,
David H Ritterskamp (06/03/96)
{info}: Possible solution to: Become a newsgroup,
Gregory Stapleton (06/03/96)
{info}: Of Interest to Costumers; Hunnisett Vol. III,
Gregory Stapleton (06/03/96)
DISCUSS: Re[2]: MERRYROSE: List Explosion Suggestion,
David H Ritterskamp (06/03/96)
Toys for Tots Question,
Scott Callicutt (06/03/96)
SERIOUS: Tavern Brawl,
Alfredo el Bufon (06/03/96)
Re: Instead of being in a play...,
Gene Bonar (06/03/96)
Re: Instead of being in a play...,
Laurie Kovaleski (06/05/96)
Re: Address to the Deil,
Alfredo el Bufon (06/03/96)
Re: Fair Lady Atlantia,
David K. Bodman (06/03/96)
Re: Senschal's Letter,
w.colbert2 (06/03/96)
DISCUSS: List Explosion,
Michelle Ringo (06/03/96)
Possible Subject Demarcations for sifting the mail,
Heather Swann (06/03/96)
DISC: RE: Possible Subject Demarcations for sifting the mail,
Gregory Stapleton (06/03/96)
info:tablet brocading,
Andreah Harrison (06/03/96)
DISCUSS: Re[2]: List Explosion Suggestion,
David H Ritterskamp (06/03/96)
Request -- UA #40,
Sallie Montuori (06/03/96)
Info: Locks,
Michael Surbrook (06/03/96)
more waste bandwidth,
Gene Bonar (06/03/96)
disc: list explosion,
Heather Swann (06/03/96)
INFO: RE: info:tablet brocading,
Gregory Stapleton (06/03/96)
DISCUSS: Reading the Mail,
Robert J Welenc (06/03/96)
net outage,
Scott Callicutt (06/03/96)
info: Request for source on Viking tent decoration,
Heather Swann (06/03/96)
Kitchen sinks and other weird matters:,
Lance Harrop (06/03/96)
INFO:REQ: check fraud,
Eric J. Campbell (06/03/96)
Jack Helm (06/03/96)
ATL:Enough Background, Thanks!,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/03/96)
directions, please?,
Nutella -- makes bread special! (06/03/96)
Official Site opens,
d.a. harris (06/04/96)
INFO: Partial Summary of Medieval Food Resources,
Stephanie Malone Thorson (06/04/96)
MR-Disc: List Designation,
Terri Morgan (06/04/96)
Pas d'Armes @ Pennsic (fwd),
Mark Schuldenfrei (06/04/96)
Collective Merry Rose-ites (Rosaries?),
Wynn Klosky (06/04/96)
Re Female with Male persona (Was: Enough,
CORVUS2 (06/04/96)
Thorpe, John (06/04/96)
The Merry Rose FAQ,
The Merry Rose (06/04/96)
Latest List Crises (Admin's Viewpoint),
Tanner Lovelace (06/04/96)
banter: Slow day at the Rose,
Heather Swann (06/04/96)
class notes for "Basic Brewing" on the web,
Greg Lindahl (06/05/96)
re: Latest Crisis,
Thomas Gideon (Personal (06/05/96)
INQUIRY: Pennsic confirmation,
CORVUS2 (06/05/96)
3YC area Weather,
Terry L. Neill (06/05/96)
West Side Story...,
Kate Spears (06/05/96)
General Thanks for Replies,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/05/96)
US Postal Changes,
Tom Bilodeau (06/05/96)
info: Seeking local source for wide canvas,
Heather Swann (06/05/96)
1--Thanks; 2--A Quick Visit,
Pennsic map,
Re: Females with Male Persona,
Brent Kellmer (06/05/96)
MRS: Riddles,
Alfredo el Bufon (06/05/96)
FAQ messed up,
Tanner Lovelace (06/05/96)
Selecting Kingdom Officers,
Jeffrey Sussman (06/05/96)
ATL: Pennsic--new members looking for group to camp with,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/05/96)
EVENT: The Northern Battle(talion) Gathers for War Practice,
Lance Harrop (06/05/96)
Catmuse (06/05/96)
EVENT: Festival of Kites,
Phillip of Ghent (06/05/96)
info: Seeking source for feathers,
Sandra Toscano 5-2024 (06/06/96)
Another unanswered riddle,
David H Ritterskamp (06/06/96)
Needed:Pennsic _24_ LAS info,
Laurie Kovaleski (06/06/96)
INFO - request for info,
Gene Bonar (06/06/96)
RE: Discuss: If Atlantia were a deck of Cards, what would it look like?,
Thorpe, John (06/06/96)
OFF TOPIC: Anybody looking for a job?,
Victoria_Martin (06/06/96)
Rcardiff (06/07/96)
Re: MR-Banter: List Designation,
David H Ritterskamp (06/07/96)
Re: MR-banter: List Designation,
Heather Swann (06/07/96)
INFO: Double Posts,
David H Ritterskamp (06/07/96)
It's A Badgerling,
Merry Rose... responses to several gentles,
JEBRAME (06/07/96)
caruso steven (06/07/96)
INFO: seconjubin,
Robert J Welenc (06/07/96)
Re[2]: INFO: Double Posts,
David H Ritterskamp (06/07/96)
Re: INFO: seconjubin recipe,
Heather Swann (06/07/96)
Coronation of TRH Logan & Arielle,
Jack Helm (06/07/96)
Re: INFO: sekanjabin,
Tom Brady (06/08/96)
INFO: cordials, seconjubin, & lahvash,
Robert J Welenc (06/08/96)
Storvik Dance Practise,
Razmus the Innocent (06/09/96)
Badgerling Congratulations,
JEBRAME (06/09/96)
JEBRAME (06/09/96)
Alairian Coronation,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/09/96)
Re: INFO: Lingua in Gena, Impropriety,
David H Ritterskamp (06/10/96)
was INFO:LOCKS (test message, bear with me),
David H Ritterskamp (06/10/96)
Banter: Coronation of TRH Logan & Arielle,
Chuck Graves (06/10/96)
Re[2]: Discuss: If Atlantia were a deck of Cards, what would,
Chuck Graves (06/10/96)
MR-Info: Linnation,
RE: Banter: It's A Badgerling,
MR: Re: Banter: Novices & Black Kane,
Heather Swann (06/10/96)
Banter: Novices & Black Kane,
Chuck Graves (06/10/96)
info: Compiled list of canvas sources,
Heather Swann (06/10/96)
INFO: Babylon 5 renewed for Season 4,
David H Ritterskamp (06/10/96)
info:men's cotehardies,
Andreah Harrison (06/10/96)
MR-INFO: Reminder PENNSIC XXV Deadlines,
rh109 (06/10/96)
INFO: Storvik Rapier Practice,
Corun MacAnndra (06/10/96)
RE: Banter: young people,
Louise Sugar (06/10/96)
Dance Practise at Baroness Brenna of Storvik's House,
Anjulimcd (06/10/96)
Banter & info: Eligibility for Crown Lists,
Karen Louise Flessas (06/10/96)
EVENT: The Northern Battle(talion) Gathe,
Discussion: netiquette (was re: young people),
Thomas Gideon (Personal (06/11/96)
MR-Banter: Nubile,
Alfredo el Bufon (06/11/96)
Banter: Young people, etc,
Scott Law (06/11/96)
Re[2]: Discussion: netiquette,
ZMCW1 (06/11/96)
David H Ritterskamp (06/11/96)
Netiquette, Part 2,
David H Ritterskamp (06/11/96)
RE: Discuss: If Atlantia were a deck of Cards, what would it look like?,
Deborah Stapleton (06/11/96)
MR: Banter: Water,
Heather Swann (06/11/96)
Discuss: Heraldry question,
Michael_Ford (06/11/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (Long!),
Donald Wagner (06/13/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question,
David H Ritterskamp (06/13/96)
Re[2]: Discuss: Heraldry question,
David H Ritterskamp (06/13/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question,
Thorpe, John (06/13/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question,
Thorpe, John (06/13/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question,
Robert J Welenc (06/13/96)
Re: Period Fighting manuals,
Michael Surbrook (06/11/96)
MR: Info: Query-Fabric Paints for Tents,
Heather Swann (06/11/96)
accurate Toys for Tots Clash directions,
Greg Lindahl (06/11/96)
Catmuse (06/11/96)
Re: MR-Info: Linnation (fwd),
Judy Gerjuoy (06/12/96)
MR-Info: much virtue in If,
Wm Shaxpere (06/12/96)
Re: BANTER: A Gentle Joke ....,
Carl Harris (06/12/96)
Kreigspielen Returns!,
JBurch9566 (06/12/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (LONG),
H L. Falls (06/12/96)
Alternate Titles,
Donald Wagner (06/12/96)
Sheep Raids VIII directions,
HsDarkRose (06/12/96)
Re: Red Dragon Tavern Grand Opening,
Heather Swann (06/12/96)
If It Rains, Will Storvik Still Dance?,
Anjulimcd (06/12/96)
Gentle banter at the Merry Rose,
JEBRAME (06/12/96)
Re[2]: MR-Info: Alternate Titles,
Chuck Graves (06/12/96)
Rcardiff (06/12/96)
request: need pictures,
sharon hines (06/12/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (Long!)(not any more!),
Michael_Ford (06/13/96)
info:early tudor kirtle,
Andreah Harrison (06/13/96)
Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (Long!),
Heather Swann (06/13/96)
Re: info: early tudor kirtle,
Sharon Henderson (06/13/96)
Re: Heraldry Question,
Brent Kellmer (06/13/96)
Sharon Henderson (06/13/96)
Discuss: Heraldry Discussion,
H L. Falls (06/13/96)
Brent Kellmer (06/13/96)
Sharon Henderson (06/13/96)
Re[2]: Discuss: cookies and recommendations,
Carol O'Leary (06/13/96)
RE: Discussion - Recommendations,
Donald Wagner (06/13/96)
Highland Foorde Brewer's Receipe book.,
AdamofErin (06/13/96)
Tales from Pennsic,
Laurie Kovaleski (06/14/96)
A question about sheep(skin),
David H Ritterskamp (06/14/96)
A question about a song,
David H Ritterskamp (06/14/96)
Pseudo-DISC - Tales from Pennsic -Reply,
Laurie Kovaleski (06/14/96)
QUERY for Windmasters Folk,
Cheryl L. Martin (06/14/96)
Christine Jurand (06/14/96)
BANTER: Shall we have another song?,
Victoria_Martin (06/14/96)
Christine Jurand (06/14/96)
Crown Tourney Eligibility,
Jeffrey Sussman (06/15/96)
No Subject,
Christine Jurand (06/16/96)
Announcement: re: Highland River Melees,
weil (06/16/96)
: re: Art at Walters,
weil (06/16/96)
Info needed on kilts,
Robert J Welenc (06/17/96)
Storvik fight practice directions,
Michael_Ford (06/17/96)
Questions: Herbalism & Costume Patterns,
JEBRAME (06/17/96)
LORD Johnathan Blackbow,
James Morrow (06/17/96)
Re: Re[2]: LORD Johnathan Blackbow,
Catmuse (06/25/96)
Ian and Mara in Dallas Tx,
Chris Turner (06/17/96)
TEST MESSAGE: Please delete!,
Tanner Lovelace (06/17/96)
I need your help,
Elizabeth Urbanik (06/18/96)
[DISC] net data as security risk [was : I need your help ],
davis (06/19/96)
Archery Newsletter,
Orion26 (06/18/96)
Scott Callicutt (06/18/96)
Re: New list Serve Approach,
Michelle Ringo (06/18/96)
new approach,
Kate Spears (06/18/96)
DISC: I need your help,
Gregory Stapleton (06/18/96)
job endangerment,
Kate Spears (06/18/96)
DISC: Please remember to add the tag line to the beginning of messages,
Gregory Stapleton (06/18/96)
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/18/96)
REPLIES: Earlier Herbalism/Etc. Question @--,--',
JEBRAME (06/18/96)
missing post,
Laurie Kovaleski (06/18/96)
Re: Preparation for Court,
Chuck Graves (06/18/96)
Re: DISC: Please remember to add the tag line to the beginni,
ZMCW1 (06/18/96)
Re: DISC: Can't tell author.,
ZMCW1 (06/18/96)
BANTER: Dementia, was LJBlackbow,
Catmuse (06/18/96)
DISC: To sig or Not To sig.,
ZMCW1 (06/18/96)
Re: BANTER: Dementia, was LJBlackbow,
Catmuse (06/18/96)
I don't know...,
Elizabeth Urbanik (06/19/96)
Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Message not deliverable,
Administrator_at_FL-AC (06/19/96)
- Re: Message not deliverable,
CORVUS2 (06/19/96)
- Re: Message not deliverable,
CORVUS2 (06/19/96)
- Re: Message not deliverable,
Christine Jurand (06/19/96)
- Re: Message not deliverable,
CORVUS2 (06/19/96)
- Re[2]: Message not deliverable,
Victoria_Martin (06/19/96)
Query for Rhiannon,
JEBRAME (06/19/96)
Re: INFO Requested, Please!,
Christine Jurand (06/19/96)
New List format,
Tanner Lovelace (06/19/96)
DISC: Signatures,
ZMCW1 (06/19/96)
Re: Re[2]: DISC: Signatures,
Corun MacAnndra (06/21/96)
Gregory Stapleton (06/19/96)
Answer: Message not deliverable,
barbara_bilodeau (06/19/96)
DISC / BANTER: Answer: Message not deliverable,
Gregory Stapleton (06/19/96)
Combat Archery,
Michael Luznicky (06/19/96)
Netiquette inquiry,
Owlharp (06/19/96)
*********I NEED A RIDE TO HIGHLAND FORD MELEE*****************,
John Tangent /o (410 (06/20/96)
Heraldry Via The Net,
James Morrow (06/20/96)
Re: Heraldry Via The Net,
Sallie Montuori (06/20/96)
Re: Heraldry Via The Net,
R. Mark Jones (06/20/96)
Re: MRS:Heraldry Graphic Libraries,
Orion26 (06/20/96)
Re: DISC + BANTER: Heraldry Via The Net,
Scott Law (06/20/96)
DISC: New List System,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/20/96)
-No Subject-,
Michael_Ford (06/20/96)
jomoses (06/20/96)
- Re:,
Greg Lindahl (06/20/96)
This message has been fabricated.,
Michael_Ford (06/20/96)
BANT: e-mail,
Scott Law (06/20/96)
Discuss: Re: This message has been fabricated.,
Michael_Ford (06/20/96)
need address!,
Christine Jurand (06/20/96)
japanese heraldry,
Andreah Harrison (06/20/96)
Re: BANT: email,
Thorpe, John (06/20/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: BANT: email,
Keeper of the Dragon Flagon (06/21/96)
Scott Burke (06/20/96)
info: re: address needed,
Stephanie Malone Thorson (06/21/96)
Re: Mostly Info: Getting Involved In Heraldry (some banter),
Robert J Welenc (06/21/96)
INFO: Pennsic confirmations,
CORVUS2 (06/21/96)
LIST: Power Outage,
Scott Callicutt (06/21/96)
Re[4]: DISC: Signatures (w/Banter),
Chuck Graves (06/21/96)
Re: Re[2]: Mostly Info: Getting Involved In Heraldry (some bant,
CORVUS2 (06/21/96)
Re[2]: Mostly Info: Getting Involved In Heraldry (some bant,
Chuck Graves (06/21/96)
NOT REALLY INFO, BUT: So now I'm on my way...,
CORVUS2 (06/21/96)
Kreigspielen Returns!! (Corrected Version),
JKJBurch (06/21/96)
Upcoming Programs at the Smithsonian,
Karen Elisa Green (06/21/96)
BANTER: Re[2]: Mostly Info: Getting Involved In Heraldry,
Thorpe, John (06/21/96)
Storvik's Novice Tourney,
Karen Louise Flessas (06/22/96)
Latin for Prince,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/23/96)
"Eric J. Campbell" <>: Alairia,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/23/96)
Trade: Armor for Comp. equipt,
Mikhail the Armorer (06/23/96)
Re: Mis-Posting,
kuijt (06/24/96)
BANTER: The Way of the Bag (fwd),
Michael Surbrook (06/24/96)
Thank You: From Highland River Melees,
Jay Shaner (06/24/96)
Beating a dead horse w/ a GoA,
Susan E. Juroff (06/24/96)
LOCAL: Storvik Rapier Practice canceled,
Tanner Lovelace (06/24/96)
Failed Mail,
kuijt (06/24/96)
Toys for Tots info,
Greg Lindahl (06/24/96)
Ride to Pennsic -- DC area, 8/9 PM,
SCADIAN LADY (06/24/96)
kuijt (06/24/96)
University of Atlantia,
AtlantiaU (06/24/96)
seeking shield walls,
Codexzine (06/24/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: seeking shield walls,
David W. James (06/26/96)
- Re: seeking shield walls,
Thorkell Ulfsson (06/26/96)
- Re: seeking shield walls,
David W. James (06/27/96)
- Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Terry L. Neill (06/28/96)
- Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Mark Schuldenfrei (06/28/96)
- DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/28/96)
- Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Mark Schuldenfrei (06/28/96)
- Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
R. Mark Jones (06/28/96)
- Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Mark Schuldenfrei (06/28/96)
- Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Tom Brady (06/28/96)
Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Wynn Klosky (06/28/96)
Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Greg Lindahl (06/28/96)
Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Mark Schuldenfrei (06/28/96)
Re: DISC: Re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Eric J. Campbell (06/28/96)
reposting of UA announcement,
Kate Spears (06/25/96)
Re: Mis-Posting(Xavier's Opinion) -Reply,
Laurie Kovaleski (06/25/96)
Fwd: Tablet Weaving -- Collingwood book available!,
Terry L. Neill (06/25/96)
Address for Atlantian University,
SheehanTA (06/25/96)
Re: Event: Children's activity at War Practice July 6th,,
Dan Mackison (06/25/96)
Re: Searching for Rosilnde,
Catmuse (06/25/96)
a few questions,
Dan Mackison (06/25/96)
DELETE: Test message, please ignore.,
Tanner Lovelace (06/26/96)
New List Configuration,
Tanner Lovelace (06/26/96)
PUNny people,
Karen Louise Flessas (06/26/96)
Last minute info on Toys for Tots Clash,
Charlene S. Noto (06/26/96)
Re: Event: Children's activity at War P,
MR: Banter--A contest!,
Lisa Z. Morgan (06/26/96)
Drachenwald Contact Info,
Wayne Precht (06/26/96)
Sigmundr has a ride to Pennsic,
SCADIAN LADY (06/26/96)
MR:Banter-Pennsic Poem,
Terri Morgan (06/27/96)
Terri Morgan (06/27/96)
Re: MR-Request-music,
Lynn Pawelka (06/27/96)
Re: MR- Banter--A contest!,
Lynn Pawelka (06/27/96)
FOR SALE: Igor's Armor,
Owlharp (06/27/96)
re: Pay-to-Fight and SCA Insurance,
Kate Spears (06/28/96)
Re: SCA Insurance,
David H Ritterskamp (06/28/96)
Mark Schuldenfrei (06/28/96)
re Armor for Sale,
Igorbear (06/28/96)
Dan Mackison (06/28/96)
Chivalry Questions,
Brian R. Price (06/29/96)
weil (06/29/96)
Japanese personae in Atlantia,
Kensei (06/29/96)
Not Enough Saxon Violence,
Beornheard (06/30/96)
Back in the saddle,
John S Welch (06/30/96)

The Merry Rose Archive