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Re: INFO: seconjubin

At 06:31 PM 6/10/96 -0400, you wrote:
>On Mon, 10 Jun 1996 Rcardiff@aol.com wrote:
>> Also, there is a stronger brew called Switchell that Brok came across in some
>> Colonial US blacksmith research. It seems to be Seconjubin w/o the sugar.
>> Shudder! Macho smith things I guess.
>Not just a smith thing, I warrant.  I remember reading about some
>similar sort of thing in, of all places, the Little House books.  They
>took a mixture of water, vinegar, and ginger out to Pa in the fields,
>beacuse the vinegar and ginger "warmed" the water so it wouldn't do
>something (I forget exactly, curdle maybe?) to his stomach when he was
>so hot...  Didn't make a great deal of sense to me at the time, but it
>kind of does now.  Plain cold water sometimes bounces when you're
>seriously hot!

Milord, I believe the problem is with cramps, which very cold water can
cause by creating a "shock" to the system, and cause internal muscle
contraction..very uncomfortable!!  The same thing can happen when swimming
after a meal, where the cold of the water causes muscular contractions,
which can be very painful to a stomach that is full and active in the
process of digesting the food...


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