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Re: MR-Info: Alternate Titles

> I was questioned privately about the term "Sayyid", which is an alternate
> title for "Lord" and approved by the CoA.  These alternate titles are listed
> for many different cultures and languages and can be found at the following
> URL:
> http://www.sca.org/heraldry/titles.html

I took a look at this page, and noticed a number of remarkable things.
The most remarkable is that, in Old English, the titles Princess,
Duchess, Countess, Viscountess, Mistress, Baroness, and Lady are
_all_ rendered as "Hlaefdige"!  I think that this is excessive
overloading of a reference!

(BTW, "Hlaefdige" literally "Loaf-kneader" is the root of the Modern
English word "Lady".  Its use alongside the root of "Lord" ("Hlaford"
or "Loaf-guard") gives us a glimpse of the division of labor in the
Anglo-Saxon household.)

-- el Sen~or Alfredo el Bufo'n
(who is surprised to find himself
 entitled to be "Don Alfredo")
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