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Sheep Raids VIII directions

Unto the good gentles of the fair kingdom of Atlantia doth Lord Richard
Mitchell send greetings!!

     It has come to my attention that the directions published in the June
Acorn for Sheep Raids VIII are woefully inadequate.  Here, then is the
updated version:

>From the SOUTH:  Take your best route to US 17 North. (*) Cross the Cape Fear
                                     Memorial Bridge into Wilmington.  US 17
and US 74/76 turn into                                  Dawson Street after
the first light across the bridge.  Follow Dawson
                            Street to South 17th Street.  Turn LEFT onto 17th
Street and                             proceed to Market Street.  Turn RIGHT
onto Market Street.  Proceed                             north on Market
Street (US 17), pass under Highway 132 North, and
                            continue on to Poplar Grove Plantation (about 12
miles form the                             overpass).  There will be SCA
signs posted.     

>From the WEST:    Take your best route to US 74/76 East.  Follow from (*)

>From the NORTH:  Take your best route to I-40 East.  I-40 ends at mile marker
420                                   and highway 132 South begins.
 Following the signs for US 17                             North, make a left
onto the Smith Creek Parkway.  Make the next                             left
at the light onto US 17 North (Market Street) and proceed
                            approximately 11 miles on US 17 North to Poplar
Grove Plantation.                              There will be SCA signs

     I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.  If you have
questions, feel free to call at 910-371-0729 or e-mail hsdarkrose@aol.com.
 This phone # is different from the one in the Acorn because I have moved.
 My sister (the Shire's Seneshal) still lives at the old number, and will be
happy to aswer any questions.

In Service,

Lord Richard
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