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Re: BANT: email

Greetings from Eldred!

Alfredo sez:
%> > > Any doubters should
%> > > be now well satisfied that anything is possible with e-mail.

Having worked with computers and networks for over ten years,
I already knew that.  My favorites were the missives from
God@Heaven.Org...  Every practical joker on the 'net has tried
that one.  It was amusing the first couple of times, but then it
became a petty annoyance that grew into a security concern.

%> > Anything is possible, but that mail still had enough clues to know who
%> > sent it. Can we return to discussing the Middle Ages yet?

True, especially if you can get access to all the header information
that so many mailers strip out.  And no.  8^)

%>   Actually, they did have e-mail back then, but the 'e' stood for elk.
%I don't believe elk-mail, but they really _did_ have such a thing as
%email in the Period.  (Note: no hyphen).  It's the French word for
%"enamel", but in heraldique it means what the English heralds call
%"colour".  It's pronounced something like M.I.; the plural is emaux,
%pronounced M.O.

Alfredo, I believe that you are mistaken.  Are you sure it isn't "emaille"?
I'll have to dig out the French-English dictionary to verify it though.
Another example of period e-mail is "elephant-mail".  Hannibal used
e-mail to protect his elephants from archers and spearmen.  8^)

%PS: In French heraldique, the word for the email "green" is not "vert";
%no, that would be too confusing, since "vert" is the common French
%word for "green".  No, the word for "green" is "sinople", from the name
%of a region famous for _red_ dyes.  Isn't heraldry wonderful?

Why is that odd?  Whoever named it must have been colour-blind... 8^)

In silliness,

Eldred Aelfwald
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