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Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (Long!)

Greetings All,

> No, Atlantia is no different.  Let me encourage everyone, whether a holder of
> an award (AoA, GoA, etc.) or companion of an Order, that if you know someone
> whose service or abilities warrant recognition by their local Baronage (if
> applicable) or the Crown, WRITE and let them know of that wonderful gentle!!!
>  Unfortunately, the Crown and the Baronage cannot be everywhere and know
> everyone personally, so many worthy people go unrecognized because they are
> not brought to the attention of the Crown/Baronage.  PLEASE WRITE
> recommendation letters whenever you feel they are warranted.  The
> Crown/Baronage appreciates hearing from ALL of its populace. 
> Rhiannon
> Nereid Herald

Thank you Rhiannon for adding the local Baronage. Our group has
grown so much in the last few years that I can't keep up with
everyone anymore, as much as I want to. I don't know about
other Barons and Baronesses but I'm willing to take
recommendations at events, monthly business meetings, via
e-mail, weekly fight practices, over the phone and any other
time I can get them. I have gotten them on the backs of
envelopes, the backs of event announcements, on the bottom of
grocery lists, on virtually anything.

One suggestion when recommending someone for a Kingdom polling
order or a peerage: send a copy of the letter for TRM to the
Principal of that order. The Principal is the listkeeper of who
has been recommended. This saves the Principal from having to
find out from the very busy Majesties who has been recommended
and Their Majesties don't have to remember to make a copy for
the Principal. 

-Thjora Arnkitelsdottir
Baroness of Caer Mear

Kirsten Niemann

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