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Re: MR-Banter: List Designation

On Fri, 7 Jun 1996, David H Ritterskamp wrote:

> Alfredo wrote:
> Laird Philip deRose of Strathclyde writes
> > I am in favor of requesting that gentiles limit their number of daily 
> > posts.
> I agree with this sentiment entirely!  There's certainly no need 
> to limit the number of posts made by Yaakov, the two Miriams,
> or myself.
> [Now, Alfredo, is that fair?  I myself am tempted numerous times daily to 
> correct spelling, grammar, and the like, and yet I refrain.  I certainly 
> wouldn't take advantage of somebody's bad grammar to make a joke.
> You WERE joking, weren't you?]
Of course he was joking -- didn't you see the subject lint, which he
                     (This typo intentionally left in)^^^^
prefaced with "Banter"?

I must admit that the only reason I had not yet taken the original to
its illogical extreme was that I was still working on the best wording
for my brilliant repartee!  ;-)

   Alys of Foxdale      |   Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@widomaker.com   |       argent, a fox passant gules.
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