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Re[4]: DISC: Signatures (w/Banter)

Greetings, all.

>Could you be more specific about this? What's in the top-line header?
I realize now that I shouldn't have use the term "header". What I meant to 
say is the sca-east list server adds a top-line leader to the message (inside 
the message). A typical one is given below:

-Poster: "Steven Mesnick ('Steffan ap Cennydd')" <steffan@tiac.net>

Prior to that, you couldn't tell who was who...and there was a LOT of traffic 
which promoted the change. We probably won't see that here because on 
sca-east nobody was seeing posters--here, some significant fraction do.

>I, for one. 

(put a mark next to Corun's name.)  8^)

>Perhaps if there's enough dissent we should have a vote. 

Actually, I would like that...my apologies to Kendrick for any associated 
workload. Of course, expect a lengthy discourse before voting.

>When this was mentioned by Kendrick when he sent out the FAQ last time no 
>one at all brought up any objections. 

Introducing the idea in the FAQ seems a little shaky. How many people who 
have been on the list since its inception read the FAQ? Especially, on a 
regular basis? I usually only read those when I sign up. 

Besides, if Kendrick had made a public announcement that he was going to 
make the change prior to implementing it, noone would have raised 
concerns. This is mainly because almost noone here could have foreseen the 
impact. If Kendrick had asked me, I certainly wouldn't have complained--he 
was trying to address other peoples concerns. The questions remain: How 
many persons requested THIS change? And how many persons have complained 
ABOUT this change? I'm sure there are a lot of folks who are neither: they 
didn't have a problem before and they don't have a problem now. 

>You're going to get "Message Undeliverable" next time someone's server crashes 
>or someome loses their account and doesn't tell all their lists. And 
>this will happen irrespective of how this list is set to reply. It's the 
>nature of the beast.

I'm not sure that's true. I have received that message when I posted to 
the net and someone was crashed. But all I saw was a copy of my 
message--not a copy of everyone's message. The reply-to change will act 
as a multiplier under those circumstances. The multiplication factor is 
the day's mail load. Before, if 20 people posted to the list, 20 people 
got "Message Undeliverable"; now, if 20 people post (on a slow day, that 
is), the entire list gets 20 "Message Undeliverable"--one for each post.
>> Sorry, it's just frustrating at my end,
>And it was frustrating on my end to have to constantly keep asking people 
>to resend email that was meant to go out publicly. 

Yesterday, we saw one case of the opposite--which tends to be 
embarrassing. In my case, I no longer have an option.

>Quite frankly, this is a tempest in a teapot. 

Earl Grey, hot, I trust.   8^)

>In the case of those two of you who have said you're using CC:Mail 
>and can't read headers, there are a couple of ways around this. We 
>just have to agree on which one to use.
Two have mentioned it specifically. There are, in fact, several more who have 
not. But there also appear to be others who have a similar problem who do not 
have to suffer with ccMail.


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