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Re: BANTER: A Gentle Joke ....

> >Oh--he was *bringing* it?  I was afraid one of those Welsh temper 
> >fits had struck, and he was going to *toss* it ....  :-) 
> > 
> Dearest Meli, I would never throw a chair a Lord Kevin.  I have other 
> ways of getting evin, such as cutting him off from his lessons.  
> Although I must admit that it's tempting to heave an axe his direction 
> at times..... 
> Besides it was over a simple typo, all these arguments about a misplaced 
> D.... 
> Lady Miriam, would it be possible to get a nice mug of stout? 

Certainly!  Here you go!  Enjoy!  And thank you, Lord Michael, for the song... 
Would you care to join us with some seconjubin?

Miriam R.

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