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Re: Discuss: Heraldry question

Subject: Re: Discuss: Heraldry question (Long!)

I would throw two cents into this pot, but I'm broke.  So here it is, for free!

Correct me if I'm wrong (and I'm sure you will) but hasn't Bryce de Byram been 
signing his correspondence (both email & paper) "THL Bryce de Byram" for a LONG 
time now?  And I don't ever remember anybody even noticing, Byram being the 
hellion that he is.

I would guess this to be most useful:

IF you have, at any point been given the title of "Honorable Etc." and you make 
yourself a nuisance by insisting that it be used any time you're called into 
court or what have you (especially if your Kingdom doesn't recognize it as 
such), that would be Bad.

IF you have been given the title and the only place that it makes a difference 
to you is in the OP, that would be Good.

If you REALLY want to have people know your place in the OP but don't want to 
use an anachronistic term, ("Honorable") why not use "Lord by Grant of Arms"?  
It isn't any longer/harder to say than "Honorable Lord" and probably isn't too 
bad, logistically speaking.

BTW:  A question on periodicity; is a Grant of Arms period or was it 
manufactured for the SCA?  If not, then the whole brouhaha on "Honorable Lord" 
is kind of academic...

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