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Re: Storvik Dance Practise

Poster: Karen Louise Flessas <LOUISE.FLESSAS@worldnet.att.net>

Milord Steven-

At 02:33 AM 6/27/96, you wrote:

>I'm am very pleased that you've gotten dance practice dancing. I'd like
>to attend some time, but I don't know how to get to the good baroness'
>home. Prithee, could you give me directions.

Brenna lives in Takoma (just inside DC @ Takoma Park) on the corner of Piney
Branch and Cedar NW.  The address is 600 Cedar NW.  If you tell me where you
are coming from, I can get more specific directions on how to get there.

Practice last night was fun!  Hope to see you there next week.

Frau Johanna von Sudeborn


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