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Re: MR: Banter--A contest!

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>

>  Poster: alairia@juno.com (Lisa Z. Morgan) 
> Penned Miriam: 
> snip>
> If thou dost salute the feather in my cap, dost note its hue? For it is 
> no shade at all if not the best azure, and therefore doth proclaim me 
> more than passing blest by the kindness of so fair a lady as thyself! 
> And, if terpsichore thou be,  (as by thine own words proclaimed,) 
> then shall I claim a dance when that clan which bears the same badge 
> doth its great Ball hold at Pennsic?  I admit most freely that my 
> tongue is more nimble than my feet can ever claim, yet if thou wilt 
> grace me with a measure, I will with happy effort suplement my 
> meager skill. 
> Lyon FilsHenri, who hath met his match! 
> ======================================================================= 
So blest art thou by deepest azure that an ocean of wit doth fall from thy 
tongue drop by drop, to make a rainbow of poetic invention that colours thy 
speech most brilliant!  In thee am I blest to find such radiant and facetted 
speech, that each word doth send a sparkling colour forth in explication of 
thy purpose.
'Tis but the blessing of the muse which moves my feet in humble worship of the 
song of life, and I shall in attendance be when Pennsic doth come to pass and 
many such dances are held.  Shouldst thou purpose to do so, 'tis but a simple 
thing to, with a measure of grace, incline my feet to join in such a holy 
task.  Shouldst thou do so, I should measure thee with grace, and grace thee 
with a measure.....'twould be a pleasure, Gentle Lord, as 'twould be in any 
case of such grace and flourish!


Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai | Purpure on a bend Or,
akaThe Intriguing Miriam    | between two swans naiant
Isenfiri-In-Exile           | respectant, wings elevated
mka: Heather E.M. Swann     | and addorsed argent, three 
email:swann@intercon.com    | sprigs of heather palewise
                            | purpure.     

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