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Re: BANTER: 3YC...
Thanks for the report on 30 year, Rodrigo.
One small thing:
Caterina Schilling
(sp?) von Nurnberg (of Carolingia) did a class based on her translation of
Das Buch von Guter Spice.
Lady Caterina Sichling von Nurnberg, Ein Buch von Guter Spise. See her web
page http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/a/k/akatlas/www/Buch/buch.html
Just little me, looking out for my friends in the Barony. (Caterina lives a
few blocks from me...) She has the East Kingdom arts award, the Baronial arts
award, and is our new head of our old Cooks Guild.
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