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Re: DISC: Can't tell author.

  I'm a little surprised at your attitude on this subject. You seem to
  be making a sweeping statement against the practice of including an
  email address in message text in a rather strange way. Your reason for
  discouraging the practice appears to be much like saying people shouldn't
  leave their phone numbers on message machines because Caller-ID will
  record the phone number. Pardon me, my Lord, but this does seem very
  strange reasoning indeed.

Well, those of us who've been around and around the universe in email, for a
decade or more, sometimes get a little grumpy.

Truth was, email worked for a long time.  Then along came back-assward products
like AOL and CC:Mail, that don't follow the simple rules that were posted a
long time ago.  Yes, there a lot of innocent victims using the brain-damaged
software these companies purvey: and they feel trapped.  Because they are.

But, believe me, MS-Mail, CC:Mail and their ilk are the culprits.  The
information you need is there: they just chop it off and discard it.

	Tibor (I remember when the email RFC's were being debated)
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